
National Minority Angel Network (NMAN) – The JOBS Act and Capital Formation

On, Thursday, September 26, 2013, the National Minority Angel Network (NMAN), in conjunction with Microsoft will host an event on the JOBS Act and Capital Formation with an expert Panel of Speakers,, David Weild, former Vice Chair NASDAQ/Co-Author JOBS ACT/ Chair & CEO Weild & Company, Kim Wales, Entrepreneur/Visionary/Crowdfunding Expert/ CEO. Wales Capital, Doug Ellenoff, Esq. – Strategy/Transactions/Corp. Financing/Member, Ellenoff Grossman & Schole, LLP, Daryl Bryant – Successful Serial Entrepreneur/CEO, StartupValley and Hudson Horizons, Ryan Feit – Entrepreneur/Investor/CEO & Co-Founder, SeedInvest, in New York.

Small business capital is vital to our economy. With the passage of the JOBS Act for Crowdfunding, a whole new era of capital is available to small business owners of every industry and sector. Under the revisions of the Securities Act of 1933, Crowdfunding allows business owners and entrepreneurs to access the public market to fund their business from several thousand dollars up to one million dollars. But not all forms of Crowdfunding are currently legal, most businesses use pledge or donation based models to raise capital which is legal. However, if you choose to sell securities (stock or units) or raise debt then you need to know the law for Title III funding. Title III funding will increase the amount of funding and number of investors from the current amount. Title III funding  can become one of the most important sources of financing in the 21st Century for minority and woman entrepreneurs who together only represent above 1% and 4% respectively of all Angel based investments in the US. This session will provide you with an understanding of all three forms of funding, how to prepare for raising capital, meet some of the leading authorities in Crowdfunding, and businesses who successfully raised capital from Crowdfunding portals.

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