
Kim Wales speaks with Money Radio on Crowdfund Investments

January 6, 2014

What a great way to start the New Year with Industry Pioneer, Kim Wales, headquartered in New York, NY speaking with Sinclair Noe on the Financial Review Show for “Money Radio.” Kim discusses the JOBS Act, Title II and Title III timelines, Innovation, Trends and Opportunities in the burgeoning new marketplace.

Thirty – Second Annual SEC Government – Business Forum: Kim Wales

The Securities and Exchange Commission held the Thirty Second SEC Government – Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation on November 21, 2013.  Kim Wales, a sought after thought leader on the JOBS Act and Crowdfund Investing. Kim was invited as a panelist and provided a presentation that can be downloaded.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has conducted this forum annually since 1982. The event provides small business, their advisors, and their investors with an opportunity to share perspectives and views on a variety of topics important to them.  This is an effective way for the agency and its staff to learn more about the important capital formation issues that the small business sector is facing.

Click here for the Panel Discussion: Crystal Ball: Now that you raised money, what’s next for the company and the markets?