Infographic: Crowdfunding for Equity
By AnnMarie McIlwain, Founder and CEO,
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.6 million jobs were created in 2000 by establishments less than 1 year old. In 2011, this number declined to 2.5 million—a loss of 2.1 million jobs.
The infographic below shows how crowdfunding-for-equity, a new fundraising tool created by the JOBS Act of April, 2012, has the potential to fill that shortfall in job creation. However, crowdfunding-for-equity can’t happen until the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) writes the regulations. The SEC missed their first deadline in meeting this enormous challenge in July.
Please join us in telling the SEC how important it is to meet the end-of-year deadline for this new set of regulatory laws. Click here and sign the petition.